Workshops and Courses

Enhance your team's skills with our professional training programs, tailored for tech industry professionals.

Our training solutions

At CMDN, we specialise in delivering top-tier professional development workshops and courses for businesses.

Accessible Training: On-site in Barcelona, Madrid, Basque Country, Valencia, Galicia and in your city.

Individual Approach: Programmes tailored to your company's needs.

Experienced Instructors: Led by experts with deep industry experience.


Drawing from our extensive experience, we believe continuous learning is crucial in the tech industry. Our workshops are crafted to share this wealth of knowledge, ensuring your team not only becomes more competitive but also gains renewed motivation to apply these skills in their work.

Quality Assurance

Boost confidence in product quality, accelerate delivery, and mitigate risks with our targeted QA training programs. Drawing from extensive experience, we emphasise that investing in product quality is a crucial business decision. Implementing Quality Assurance early in the development cycle is key to ensuring long-term success and sustainability, reducing costly errors, and maintaining customer trust.

What our clients say

We recently conducted a series of workshops that were specifically designed to enhance the technical skills and foster the professional growth of our software development teams from the Barcelona Digital Sales Hub and Head Quarters, held at our Festo Spain's facilities.

The workshops centered around important topics such as React State Management, Microfrontends, and Semantic Release, ensuring our teams stayed up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices.

CMDN conducted the workshops with the utmost professionalism and the overwhelmingly positive feedback received post-workshop reflects their satisfaction and the value they gained from the experience.

Based on this highly successful collaboration, we would certainly be keen to collaborate with CMDN again in the future.
Dennis Klett

Ivan Vitoria

Head of Engineering SW at Festo

Meet our experts

Our instructors are industry experts with a passion for technology and innovation. They bring a wealth of experience and a commitment to excellence, ensuring each workshop delivers practical skills and insights.

Dmitry Zaets
React & Node Expert, Tech Innovation Lead
Artem Loginov
Experienced Product Leader & ISTQB Certified
Yann Torres
CTO, React & Node Authority, Tech Strategy Architect
Mareike Müller
People and Culture Advisor

Empowering the Local Tech Ecosystem



BarcelonaJS is one of the largest tech communities in Spain, with over 5,000 members. It serves as the hub for JavaScript enthusiasts in Barcelona. We have proudly co-organised this community since 2017. Through BarcelonaJS, we connect with like-minded individuals, stay updated on the latest trends, and share our knowledge to empower others.

ReactJS Barcelona

ReactJS Barcelona

In 2016, we co-created the ReactJS meetup, a dedicated platform for all things React. Our team managed the meetup until it seamlessly merged with BarcelonaJS, bringing even more innovation and expertise to the community.


Certainly, if our current workshop offerings don't cover your topic of interest, we can create a customised training programme tailored to your company's specific needs. Our experts are equipped to develop a curriculum that aligns with your objectives and addresses the unique challenges your team faces.

Yes, we design our workshops to accommodate all levels of expertise. Whether your team is new to a subject or looking to deepen their knowledge, our courses provide valuable learning opportunities for everyone.

Certainly, our "360 Product Development Assessment" provides a detailed evaluation of your product development process, offering insights and recommendations tailored to enhance your team's performance and outcomes.

We provide workshops, like "ISTQB Agile Tester (CTFL-AT)" and "ISTQB Certified Tester (CTFL)," that are structured around specific certifications. They are designed to prepare attendees to successfully pass the certification exams. However, we do not conduct official exams or issue certifications. These courses are valuable for anyone in software development, regardless of their certification intentions.

For foundational knowledge we have introductory workshops such as "Introduction to React" and "Introduction to Next.js," which are perfect for getting your team up to speed before tackling more complex subjects.

Once you've chosen a workshop, simply fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page. We'll reach out to discuss how we can tailor the workshop to your schedule and needs.

What is a Product Team Slot, and how can it benefit my startup?

A Product Team Slot is a dedicated allocation of our expert product development team's resources for a month. It allows you to leverage a diverse team of professionals, including designers, developers, product managers, testers, and more, working collaboratively to bring your product to life efficiently and effectively.

Can I adjust the team slot as my project's needs change?

Absolutely! We understand that startup projects evolve rapidly. You have the flexibility to pause or cancel the team slot at any time, adapting to your changing requirements without any fixed commitments.

How does your flat monthly fee pricing work?

Our pricing model is simple and transparent. For a fixed monthly fee, you get access to a dedicated product team slot, including all necessary roles, without any additional costs or hidden fees. This allows you to plan and budget effectively without worrying about unpredictable expenses.

How long does it take to launch a product using your team slot?

The timeframe for each project varies based on its unique complexity and requirements. Before we start, we provide a high-level estimation free of charge or a detailed roadmap for a small fee. On average, startups see their landing pages live in 4-6 weeks, B2B SaaS MVPs in 2 to 4 months, and hybrid mobile app MVPs in 3 to 5 months.

Can I scale my projects by securing multiple team slots?

Certainly! If you have multiple projects or want to parallelise work, you can secure more than one team slot, allowing you to achieve rapid progress across all your initiatives. Each slot operates independently, ensuring focus and efficiency for each project. However, please note that our capacity is limited, so additional Team Slots are offered on a first-come-first-serve basis. We recommend securing your Team Slot as soon as possible to ensure availability and reserve your spot in our development schedule.

Do you offer post-launch support and product growth assistance?

Yes, we are committed to supporting your product after the launch, if you need it. Our team is ready to provide post-launch support, address bug fixes, and assist with feature enhancements. We can also help you with product growth strategies and scaling as your startup expands.

What if my startup's needs evolve beyond your services?

We are dedicated to your startup's success, even if it means eventually transitioning to an internal team. When the time is right, we can help you hire and train your internal team, ensuring a smooth transition and a continuation of the progress we've achieved together.

Can I get a free consultation to discuss my startup's specific needs?

Sure! We offer a free initial consultation to understand your project, discuss your vision, and explore how our team can best support your startup's goals. We'd love to hear about your ideas and discuss how we can help bring them to life.

What industries do you specialise in for startup projects?

We have extensive experience working with startups across various industries, including technology, e-commerce, SaaS, fintech, healthcare, and more. Our adaptive team can tailor our services to meet the specific needs and challenges of your industry.

What kind of projects have you built, and what technologies do you use?

At CMDN, we take pride in our diverse portfolio, which includes successful SaaS platforms, innovative marketplaces, sophisticated web applications, and cutting-edge mobile apps. Our team specialises in  React and Node.js and we are considered to be seasoned experts in the field.

Can you provide references or case studies from other successful startup projects you've worked on?

Certainly! We take pride in our track record of successful startup collaborations. We can provide references and case studies that highlight the tangible value and exceptional results we've achieved for other startup clients.

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