Talleres y cursos

CMDN delivers top-tier, customized React and Next.js trainings to elevate your development team's skills and productivity.

Europe-Wide Accessibility: On-site trainings in Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, Rome, and across Europe.
Tailored Curriculum: Customized workshops to meet your company's specific needs and goals.
Expert-Led Instruction: Learn from industry veterans with deep React and Next.js expertise.
Immediate Application: Gain skills your team can implement right away in your projects.

Ingeniería de software

Elevate your team's development skills with our bespoke React and Next.js workshops. Available on-site across Europe, starting from €200 per person. Whether your team is just starting out or looking to refine their advanced techniques, we provide tailored training to meet all proficiency levels:

Introducción a React

Introducción a React

The "Introduction to React" workshop is designed for beginners and aspiring front-end developers who want to kickstart their journey into the world of React.js. React has become a cornerstone in modern web development, offering a powerful and efficient way to build dynamic, responsive user interfaces. In this workshop, participants will embark on a guided exploration of React's core concepts, component architecture, and essential tools. Through a combination of lectures, hands-on exercises, and project-based learning, attendees will gain a solid foundation in React development and begin building their own interactive web applications.

Price per person:
React avanzado

React avanzado

The "Advanced React" workshop is tailored for experienced React developers looking to deepen their understanding of the framework and master advanced techniques for building sophisticated applications. React offers a rich ecosystem and powerful abstractions, enabling developers to create complex and feature-rich user interfaces. In this workshop, participants will delve into the depths of React development, exploring complex concepts, state-of-the-art patterns, and high-level techniques to tackle challenges in modern web application development. From advanced component composition to performance optimization and state management strategies, attendees will gain the knowledge and hands-on experience needed to elevate their React skills to the next level.

Price per person:
Gestión del estado en React

Gestión del estado en React

The "React State Management" workshop is designed to empower developers with the knowledge and techniques needed to effectively manage state in React applications, thereby enhancing performance and improving developer experience. State management is a critical aspect of building robust and maintainable React applications, and mastering it can significantly streamline development workflows and optimize user experiences. In this workshop, participants will dive deep into various state management techniques, from managing internal component state to leveraging modern libraries like React Query for efficient data fetching and caching. Through a combination of theoretical discussions, hands-on exercises, and real-world examples, attendees will gain practical insights and skills to elevate their React state management proficiency.

Price per person:
Creación de una biblioteca de componentes en React

Creación de una biblioteca de componentes en React

The "Building a Component Library in React" workshop is tailored for front-end developers and UI designers seeking to elevate their React development skills by mastering the creation of reusable UI components. In this workshop, participants will embark on a comprehensive journey to understand the principles and best practices of building a robust component library in React. From designing scalable component architectures to implementing advanced features and optimizing for reusability, attendees will gain the knowledge and hands-on experience needed to create a versatile and efficient component library that enhances interface consistency and streamlines front-end development workflows.

Price per person:
Introducción a Next.js

Introducción a Next.js

The "Introduction to Next.js" workshop provides a comprehensive introduction to Next.js, a powerful React framework for building efficient and scalable web applications. Next.js simplifies the development process by offering features such as server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, and route prefetching out of the box. In this workshop, participants will explore the basics of Next.js, its key features, and the benefits it brings to web development. From setting up a Next.js project to building dynamic pages and handling data fetching, attendees will gain the knowledge and practical skills needed to kickstart their journey with Next.js and build more efficient and scalable web applications.

Price per person:
Migración de JavaScript a TypeScript

Migración de JavaScript a TypeScript

The "Migrating from JavaScript to TypeScript" workshop is designed for developers who are looking to transition their projects from JavaScript to TypeScript smoothly and efficiently. TypeScript offers the benefits of static typing, enhanced tooling, and improved code maintainability, but migrating an existing codebase can be daunting, especially for large projects. In this workshop, participants will learn practical strategies and best practices for migrating from JavaScript to TypeScript incrementally, without resorting to using the "any" type everywhere. From setting up a TypeScript environment to gradually converting existing code to TypeScript, attendees will gain the skills and confidence to undertake successful migrations while maintaining code quality and minimizing disruptions to development workflows.

Price per person:

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes

Recientemente, llevamos a cabo una serie de talleres diseñados específicamente para mejorar las habilidades técnicas y fomentar el crecimiento profesional de nuestros equipos de desarrollo de software desde el centro de ventas digitales y la sede central de Barcelona, que se celebraron en nuestras instalaciones de Festo España.

Los talleres se centraron en temas importantes como React State Management, Microfrontends y Semantic Release, garantizando que nuestros equipos se mantuvieran actualizados con las últimas tendencias y mejores prácticas de la industria.

CMDN llevó a cabo los talleres con la máxima profesionalidad y los comentarios abrumadoramente positivos recibidos después del taller reflejan la satisfacción y el valor que nuestros compañeros de equipo obtuvieron de la experiencia.

Basándonos en esta colaboración tan exitosa, sin duda nos gustaría volver a colaborar con CMDN en el futuro.
Dennis Klett

Ivan Vitoria

Head of Engineering SW en Festo

Meet our experts

Our instructors are industry experts with a passion for technology and innovation. They bring a wealth of experience and a commitment to excellence, ensuring each workshop delivers practical skills and insights.

Dmitry Zaets
React & Node Expert, Tech Innovation Lead
Yann Torres
CTO, React & Node Authority, Tech Strategy Architect

Preguntas frecuentes

Por supuesto, si nuestra oferta actual de talleres no cubre tu tema de interés, podemos crear un programa de formación personalizado que se adapte a las necesidades específicas de tu empresa. Nuestros expertos están preparados para desarrollar un plan de estudios que se adapte a vuestros objetivos y aborde los desafíos únicos a los que se enfrenta vuestro equipo.

Sí, diseñamos nuestros talleres para adaptarse a todos los niveles de experiencia. Ya sea que tu equipo sea nuevo en un tema o busque profundizar sus conocimientos, nuestros cursos ofrecen valiosas oportunidades de aprendizaje para todos.

Para obtener conocimientos básicos, tenemos talleres introductorios como «Introducción a React» e «Introducción a Next.js», que son perfectos para que tu equipo se ponga al día antes de abordar temas más complejos.

Una vez que hayas elegido un taller, simplemente completa el formulario de contacto al final de esta página. Nos pondremos en contacto contigo para hablar sobre cómo podemos adaptar el taller a tu horario y necesidades.

What is a Product Team Slot, and how can it benefit my startup?

A Product Team Slot is a dedicated allocation of our expert product development team's resources for a month. It allows you to leverage a diverse team of professionals, including designers, developers, product managers, testers, and more, working collaboratively to bring your product to life efficiently and effectively.

Can I adjust the team slot as my project's needs change?

Absolutely! We understand that startup projects evolve rapidly. You have the flexibility to pause or cancel the team slot at any time, adapting to your changing requirements without any fixed commitments.

How does your flat monthly fee pricing work?

Our pricing model is simple and transparent. For a fixed monthly fee, you get access to a dedicated product team slot, including all necessary roles, without any additional costs or hidden fees. This allows you to plan and budget effectively without worrying about unpredictable expenses.

How long does it take to launch a product using your team slot?

The timeframe for each project varies based on its unique complexity and requirements. Before we start, we provide a high-level estimation free of charge or a detailed roadmap for a small fee. On average, startups see their landing pages live in 4-6 weeks, B2B SaaS MVPs in 2 to 4 months, and hybrid mobile app MVPs in 3 to 5 months.

Can I scale my projects by securing multiple team slots?

Certainly! If you have multiple projects or want to parallelise work, you can secure more than one team slot, allowing you to achieve rapid progress across all your initiatives. Each slot operates independently, ensuring focus and efficiency for each project. However, please note that our capacity is limited, so additional Team Slots are offered on a first-come-first-serve basis. We recommend securing your Team Slot as soon as possible to ensure availability and reserve your spot in our development schedule.

Do you offer post-launch support and product growth assistance?

Yes, we are committed to supporting your product after the launch, if you need it. Our team is ready to provide post-launch support, address bug fixes, and assist with feature enhancements. We can also help you with product growth strategies and scaling as your startup expands.

What if my startup's needs evolve beyond your services?

We are dedicated to your startup's success, even if it means eventually transitioning to an internal team. When the time is right, we can help you hire and train your internal team, ensuring a smooth transition and a continuation of the progress we've achieved together.

Can I get a free consultation to discuss my startup's specific needs?

Sure! We offer a free initial consultation to understand your project, discuss your vision, and explore how our team can best support your startup's goals. We'd love to hear about your ideas and discuss how we can help bring them to life.

What industries do you specialise in for startup projects?

We have extensive experience working with startups across various industries, including technology, e-commerce, SaaS, fintech, healthcare, and more. Our adaptive team can tailor our services to meet the specific needs and challenges of your industry.

What kind of projects have you built, and what technologies do you use?

At CMDN, we take pride in our diverse portfolio, which includes successful SaaS platforms, innovative marketplaces, sophisticated web applications, and cutting-edge mobile apps. Our team specialises in  React and Node.js and we are considered to be seasoned experts in the field.

Can you provide references or case studies from other successful startup projects you've worked on?

Certainly! We take pride in our track record of successful startup collaborations. We can provide references and case studies that highlight the tangible value and exceptional results we've achieved for other startup clients.

Ready to Get Started?

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